Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Blogini Give Away

So, my girl Little Chief Honey Bee AKA Kaelah Bee has some pretty sick giveaways on her blog and anyone that is reading my blog should check her's out too!

There are two separate giveaways right now with several ways to enter. I, personally, am going for the domesticated betty giveaway. But check it out. I hope that one day, when I have at least 50 followers, to have pretty sick giveaways too!

Good luck to you all and check out my girls!




Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's still my opinion with a little ranting peppered in. Better late than never

Unfortunately I work retail, well not all the time. I worked at a retail store for a little over a year and then had to quit due to school and not being able to offer them the minimum required hours. (that's a whole other story). Any hoo, I am working there for the holiday season to make some extra cash. I figured with all of the idiots I have to deal with day-to-day I would list you a few things that many people forget when it comes to shopping in a mall, etc. that you should make an effort to remember:

1. Just because people work in a retail store, in the mall, doesn't mean that they are not as smart as you, or perhaps smarter than you, that they are uneducated and that you can talk down to them as if they are pieces of trash.

2. If you don't agree with something, i.e. return policies, coupon offering, or the way a giftcard looks, that is not the cashier's fault. They only work there and do whatever they can to help the customer out. Now, I know not all cashiers are this way, but I tend to be as well as many in my store. You can catch more flies with honey so stop being so bitchy.

3. If a store runs out of boxes, it doesn't mean you should yell at the person who told you that they ran out of boxes. It probably isn't their fault. The fact of the matter is, boxes are normally a nice gesture from a retail store, but they honestly don't have to offer them to you, because most of them don't. Just go on down to the Wal-Mart and get you a set of 3 for a dollar. . . if that is too much for you, well then maybe you should have just bought a giftcard.

4. Stop getting hateful with someone that has been nothing but nice to you and find every reason possible to bitch at them. The fact the store doesn't take checks is a safty precaution for you and your bank account and get the F*CK out of the stone age and stop writing checks as a form of payment unless you have to mail it somewhere.

Anywho, figured I would get this posted since I started it several days ago.

Hope you had a happy holiday ;)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Mini-Blog. . . I shall call it a Blogini My Coney Bloggini

As you know I have made it to Michigan to visit my wonderful lady of a Great-Grandmother! I have spent most of the day with her in the rehabilitation center that she is staying in while she gets better. This place is good to her. Anyway, I have managed to get Internet here and my 86 year old GG is watching Jerry Springer and now Maury. She cracks me up! She is the funniest lady I know and everyone loves her!

Now to get to the point of this Bloggini. . . . .I left for lunch and decided I really wanted a Coney Dog. . .a TRUE coney dog and I thought if I went to a place that advertised having real coneys, they would serve a real deal Holyfield coney dog.


Coney Island hot dog (also Coney dog, or Coney) refers to two different kinds of hot dogs.

In some areas, it is a hot dog made from beef with casing, topped with an all meat chili, diced yellow onion and yellow mustard. This type of dog was primarily developed in Michigan, and served there and in the "heartland" states; that is, the non-coastal states of the U.S.

In other areas, most notably central and western New York, a Coney is a white hot dog, a stronger and more spicy variety of the traditional pork hot dog. These are sometimes also referred to as "white hots." Coney dogs of this variety are usually served bare or with mustard. [1]


Well. . .I ordered two from this restaurant called Senates Coney Island Restaurant http://www.georgessenateandconeyislandrestaurant.com/ . . . I should have visited their site first and then would have probably reconsidered.

So, I see the menu and that I can get a coney for $1.90 I said "I'll take 2". This is what I got. . . . I not only looks, but it was delicious! HOWEVER!!! It is a coney impostor!!!!!! They did not have the one thing that I would attribute to a coney dog and that is the all natural casing that is suppose to come around it. So disappointed, but that will not stop me from trying the next place ;)